Feeling sad? Try this. “The word ‘happiness’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced ...
Mind & Emotions
How we find our voice
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are." - Marilyn Monroe
The chatterbox in our heads
Many of us would have used the early part of this year to look at what we wish to achieve for 2014. And some would have put goals in place and started working towards them.
Winter fitness checklist
Looking to switch up your fitness routine this winter? While it’s a little tougher to get ...
Snow on the roof
Snow on the Roof
8 ways to make you want to leap out of bed
Finding it hard to drag yourself out of bed in the morning? Looking for that extra ...
Food for the brain
There is no doubt that food affects the brain. Recent research confirms that it affects us in two ways...
What would you remember?
The video below on youtube made me think. Degenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, robs people of their memories. ...
5 ways to a brighter brain
We can all maintain and develop a brighter brain; recent research has uncovered many ways in which we can improve by practicing simple activities daily.
Benefits of meditation and yoga for addiction recovery
Addictions are harmful and highly destructive, and treatment options involving the use of medications and behavioural ...