Research from the NZ Fire Service shows 80% of commercial fires are extinguished in the early stages before firefighters arrive.
Work & Business
Life After Retirement
In September 2017, at the grand age of 62, I was happily working on the 6th Floor of the Beehive for the John Key Government. In politics your world can change in an instant. And mine did.
Grape Picking In Retirement
Jill and Dave Brandon were never going to sit on deck chairs in their retirement and gaze out to sea. They are active, curious types who are still interested in doing things for the first time.
‘How to Get a Good Job After 50’ by Rupert French
A step-by-step guide to job search success 229mm x 152mm | Paperback | 320 pages | ...
How to work for yourself in retirement
When it comes to retirement security, experts maintain that both New Zealand and Australia rank among ...
The importance of an updated, relevant CV
With the understandable affect that COVID-19 is having on recruitment, if you are looking for work, ...
Keep networking – not just for work!
One thing us humans need to do is have social interaction. It’s essential for building your ...
The Happy Commuter
The daily commute to and from work can be a challenge. For those of us living ...
Numbers of Workers Over 65 Expected to Rise
Did you know that New Zealand has one of the highest labour force participation rates after the age of official retirement? NZ's is noticeably larger than that of Australia.
Mixing it with Gen Y: Why an age diverse workplace is key to success
Along with the rest of the Western world, New Zealand is experiencing the effects of an ...