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Tag: My Generation

Ageism in the Workplace

There are undoubtedly cases of ageism in the workforce every day in New Zealand as there are in most other countries. It's rarely spoken out loud; but it is there.

Good Nutrition

Patrick Holford is deadly serious when he says, "Most of us are digging our own graves with our knives and forks."

Miracle Baby

The most vexing cause of infertility is Modern Woman Syndrome. But there is always hope.

Waiheke Winter

Here's my personal guide to Waiheke Island in the winter, starting when you lurch off the ferry and find yourself on the wharf at Matiatia.

Organ Donation

Stuart Watson keeps his heart in a plastic bag on his dressing table. Whenever he gets it out and looks at it, the Tauranga father of two, who was born with a congenital heart disease, can't help wondering, "How the hell did that keep me alive for 42 ye