Through the pitch-black night, the captain sees a light dead ahead on a collision course with his ship.
Tag: Clean Jokes
Joke: Memory
Jokes to make you laugh and cry.
Rural New Zealand terminology
A little bit of Kiwi culcha!
Joke: The generous travel agent
A travel agent looked up from his desk and saw an older lady and an older gentleman peering into the shop window, where there were posters of glamorous destinations around the world.
Joke: Inspirational office quotes
Sayings that should be on those office inspirational posters
Can you guess what this is?
Hint: picture was taken in 1956...
Joke: How to handle a job rejection
Dear Professor Millington, Thank you for your letter of March 16...
You better write it down
This elderly couple is sitting on a park bench in front of a large pond. On the other side of the pond are vendors selling all types of snacks and food.
Joke: That old remedy
A guy goes into a church confessional booth and says: "Forgive me Father for i have sinned."
Joke: A small step for man (R50)
When Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind, good luck Mr. Goorski."