Dr Dorree is Wondering

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10653 drdorree

dr dorreeWe are the pioneers. In our eye-blink changing world, bombarded by more information than anyone can easily absorb; kids “hook-up, long term relationships break-up and wise elders seek new paths in a wilderness over run with weeds.  We, wise elders are the pioneers – we seek.  We are the role models for today. How we forge our direction will be the legacy for those who will follow, says Dr Dorree Lynn. 

Dr Dorree believes that relationships, sexuality and spirituality have no expiration date. “However, my life, like everyone, continually changes. I keep on taking on projects because they make me feel alive,” she says. “But it doesn’t stop me wondering about things. Here’s what I think about sometimes – maybe you do too – discuss it with your friends and see what comes of it There's nothing wrong with aging: it’s the hassles that go with it that are the challenge!

Here’s a list of some of the hassles that make doing what I do at this age complex:

Maintenance: The time it takes to floss.

Exercise: I don’t love going, but after Pilates and Yoga, I always feel better.

Keep up with family, friends, social life.

Doctor’s appointments.  I’m grateful for health. Still, keeping mind, body, spirit running smoothly takes soooo much time.

Exhaustion. No one ever told me I would need naps or how tired I could get.

Memory lapses. Yes, they are real.

Necessary losses and grieving. Someone I care about is always getting ill or dying.

Wondering: When will it be me?

Like a rusty car, everything takes longer.

Kids and family: There’s always at least one out of sync.

Time for laughter, love and joy.

Sex, intimacy, a needed day in bed

Time to vacation, travel, relax and read.

Money: Too little/too much. How to best plan.

All of the above all over again.