Aspire, not expire

Jan getting OB branded web 1
Jan getting OB branded web 1

Jan-getting-OB-branded-web (1)Retirement is a time to aspire not expire, says 65 year young Jan Blythe.  Recently Jan returned from a three week Outward Bound adventure course in Anakiwa, Marlborough Sounds.  It was there that Jan ran before sunrise, climbed a rock face blindfolded, traversed high ropes and summited mountains.

Jan says people often ask her why she chose to go to Outward Bound.   “Sometimes I wonder myself! I think it was the dates really that convinced me. The course finished a day before my 65th birthday.  What better way could I celebrate going into so called retirement?

“As with many of my generation, I have a horror of going into a retirement home. I suddenly realised that if I didn’t start to do something to keep my body more active then I would be in the ‘don’t use it, lose it’ syndrome.

Jan, who lives in Nelson, attended the Masters course with 13 others, ranging in age from 45 to 65. Along with two others in her group or ‘watch’, she had won a scholarship to attend the outdoor adventure school from Waka Ama New Zealand.

“I took up waka paddling at the Maitahi Outrigger Canoe Club when I was 63 – it’s never too late!” she laughs.  “I saw the scholarship advertised on the Club’s Facebook page and the deadline for applications was close – in fact I only had three days to prepare!  When I found out I’d won, I was over the moon.  I’m really grateful to Waka Ama for giving me the opportunity to challenge myself in this way.”

Jan also prepared for her adventure by attending a 10-week ‘boot camp’.  As well as being a lot fitter, she is now the lightest she has been in 25 years.

She says that if you anyone is thinking of applying for Outward Bound then “just do it”.

“You can make it to Outward Bound – the Outward Bound team will help you overcome your barriers and make it a reality. My advice though is that if you’re thinking of going in winter, then double or triple the amount of woollens on the list.  And do some physical preparation as it is very physical.  Every day is action packed and they won’t cancel anything because of the weather!”

top of mount Baldy 2Outward Bound provided many challenges for Jan that she says were “life transforming”.

“It was the experience of a lifetime. The biggest thing I learnt was that there is always more in me.  When I felt like I couldn’t do any more I always found some reserve to get me through, or someone told a joke and the laughter lightened the load.

“I am aware that others may have not had the life changing experience that I have had, and I try not to evangelise. However, Outward Bound keeps bubbling out!

Jan loved “nearly” every minute of her time in Anakiwa.  “There was one day half way through I felt like I was 105 years old.  I think I was just mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.  But even on that day I could still enjoy kayaking backwards down the Pelorous River.

During the course, Jan learned what exactly her fears are. “Jumping off the wharf had to be the greatest challenge for me. I thought it was a two-fold fear, that I was terrified of deep water and of cold water.

“It was only after I had trouble at the flying fox, that I realised that stepping off into ‘the great nothingness’ was my third fear, and probably the biggest of the three for that jump off the wharf.”

Climbing rock walls was another fear Jan overcame, although it took her a while, especially being stuck for an hour in one place.  “Arthritis and trigger finger in both hands meant I don’t have the finger strength to grip on to small finger holds.  But I was determined to do it and eventually got to the top. And abseiling down was truly amazing.”

The time spent with her watch has made a lasting impression on Jan.  “The banter and the laughs I shall remember for a long time. That’s what gets you through the difficult bits.  We did everything together – shared a bunk room, put up tents, cleaned gear, ate together and helped each other through the difficult bits.  Everyone had something they shone at, some at sea, some on the land. Our instructors encouraged and built such a sense of trust within the group from day one.”

When asked whether she’d do Outward Bound again, she replies “In a flash!”

“My advice is to do something, start something, find something that lights a fire within you.  Whatever it is, keep your body and mind moving.”


Article republished, origially published September 2015