A Fabulous Advent Idea

acts of kindness
acts of kindness

It’s nearly December, and here’s a great idea to get you into the spirit of giving. Instead (or perhaps as well as) a chocolate advent calendar – how about a good deeds calendar? From December 1st, do one small thing each day to contribute a bit of happiness into someone else’s day. Ideally, it is a habit that can continue every day of the year.

acts of kindnessThis is simply a start point – you could sit down with the children and grandchildren in your life and make a list of things that they could do during December to spread cheer and goodwill and focus on the happiness and well being of others.

None of these need to cost a lot of money. The intention is to divert attention away from rampant consumerism and focus on doing good deeds for other people. It is a simple concept, and one which is at the heart of Christmas, but is easy to overlook when things become busy.

We’d love to hear your suggestions for random acts of Christmas kindness!