Do you feel like a cartoon character some days – the one stomping along with the thundercloud over their head? Are you feeling irked, irritated, riled or otherwise consternated? Instead of giving in to the grumps, how about trying to vacate the dark side and find a little bit of joy?
Go away (or at least outside)
Sunlight is excellent as a natural mood elevator. It helps your body produce vitamin D, feels glorious against your skin and makes everything look better. Sunlight usually comes with a complementary side dish of fresh air, which increases your brain function and wakes you up. Aim for 30 minutes in the fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine every day.
Have a giggle
Sometimes the funniest moments come out of the blue. Learn to laugh at your bad mood, or surround yourself who laugh readily – it is incredibly infectious and lifts your mood instantly!
Eat, drink and be merry
No, this doesn’t mean and all-night bender and junk food. When your body is missing nutrients or dehydrated, it can exacerbate a filthy temper. Eat something fresh and tasty (add some citrus for an added zing) and drink a large glass of water. Your body will thank you for it and others around you will be thankful that you feel better.
Eat small, regular meals to prevent becoming 'hangry' (that's a combination of hungry and angry, and it is a real thing for some people!).
Run away
A similar principle to getting outside; add exercise to improve your mood. Exercise helps your body rid itself of toxins, increases your body’s ability to uptake oxygen and releases endorphins, your body’s ‘feel good’ chemical. Choose an activity at a level that makes it a little difficult to continue a regular conversation. 30 minutes later, you will be energised, exercised and probably much nicer to be around.
Put your feet on the ground
Or the beach. Or the ocean. Being in nature is terrific and will make you feel more positive immediately. If nothing else, take your shoes off and walk around on the grass. You’ll feel grounded. And better.
Do not act your age
Play. Preferably with a small child. Hunt elephants in puddles. Befriend dragons up trees. Locate fairy hideouts, and for goodness sake, stop taking life so seriously!
Sleep it off
A power snooze can be life changing. Grab 40 winks next time you find yourself snapping and you’ll soon be the life and soul of the party. Nobody is at their best when they are tired, so learn to read the signs.
Turn that frown upside down
Sometimes, when all else fails, adopt the ‘fake it until you make it’ approach and try to find something to smile about. Again, this attitude is enormously infectious and draws people to you, rather than pushing them away.
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