Fun Facts -13 July 2016

Fun fact red stamp text on white

Fun fact red stamp text on white

– There is a McDonalds in every continent except Antarctica.
Mr Potato Head was the first toy to be advertised on TV.
– A duel between three people is actually called a truel.
– The two tiny holes drilled in every BIC pen is to ensure that the air pressure is the same both inside and outside the pen, which helps the ink flow to the tip.
– There are no bridges over the Amazon River.
– Even though Froot Loops are different colours, they all have exactly the same flavour.
– The human nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
– Eight of the ten largest statues in the world are of Buddhas.
– The collars on men’s dress shirts used to be detachable. This was to save on laundry costs as the collar was the part that needed cleaning the most frequently.
– Magpies are considered one of the most intelligent animals in the world, and the only non-mammal species able to recognise itself in a mirror test.
– Baked beans are actually not baked, but stewed.

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