We are deeply into December and you can either fight the masses and grump about the traffic, expense and hassle associated with Christmas or thaw your hearts a bit and embrace some of the fun and joy!
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Editor’s Opinion
Our editor's opinion
A Safe And Festive Christmas
The new breath alcohol limits are in force and already publicans are noticing a drop in sales, as punters are uncertain about how many drinks they are allowed and still be able to safely and legally drive.
From Cleaners To Duck Eggs
The mail bags are full again and the frugal community has some suggestions to last week's questions.
Boundary Stream Reserve A Pleasure To Visit
The Hawke's Bay on a good day is a superb piece of the country, and when we got there some lovely weather had arrived to show just how good the region could look.
Fractured Christmas
I wish you a Merry Christmas - but that's a tough ask for some people.
How many 'single purpose' items do you have in your home?
Taihape Meal – Best of Country Tucker
The Pork Board would have been delighted at the generosity of the serving, and the dishing of baby carrots must have represented close to 10 per cent of Ohakune's winter juvenile crop, though some of them looked too small to be parted from their mothers j
The Best Laid Plans
Isn't it strange we think as we get older we have life all planned out for our retirement.
The Latest Frugal Living Tips
Here's a sample of the latest tips we have received and some questions for the frugal community.