Some of the greatest lessons we can teach our kids can be done over a game of beach cricket according to one of New Zealand's leading psychologists.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
The Battle In Your Brain
Do you remember Charles Heston's portrayal of Michelangelo as he painted the Sistine Chapel?
From Free Travel To DIY Sparkies
Summer is a busy time for oily raggers: they are busy in the garden and in the kitchen preparing no-cost meals from their bounty.
Summer Books and a Movie
Sometimes a thought provoking book or movie can be just what you need in summer. Here are some we enjoyed recently.
Walkabout Season
New Zealanders have long been known for their strong interest in the outdoors - getting out there, tramping, hunting, and exploring the wild, untrammeled places. There's plenty of choice.
Thank You Notes
As parents and grandparents, it is our job to teach our little darlings the ways of the world.
Only A Hunter Understands The Joy Of Hunting
Recently I re-reading W.D.M. Bell's classic African hunting book Karamojo Safari - and may I say right now to those who don't enjoy hunting or stories about it, stop right here, turn the page, and read something else.
How To Prevent Drowning
Tragically every year, families across New Zealand lose loved ones to drowning in pools, lakes rivers and the ocean.
Embrace Taxi Duty
The older your children become, the more time you may find yourself on taxi duty,
Blackbird Song A Delight
Just as I turned into Worley Place off Ward St in central Hamilton I heard the first few faint little notes.