As I write this, Labour Weekend looms large and that means but one thing in this house…
Food, Wine & Beverages
Garlic, Sun-Dried Tomato and Almond Sauce for Asparagus
We've reached that time of year when I find that the wonderful comfort food of winter is no longer as wonderful or comforting as it was.
Avocado – The Fruit of Paradise
In 1672 William Hughes, a physician to King Charles II, described it as "one of the most rare and pleasant fruits... It nourisheth and strengtheneth the body, corroborating the spirits and procuring lust exceedingly."
Devilled Kidneys
"All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast." John Gunther, American journalist
Keen As Mustard
The seeds I had found were brown mustard seeds or Brassica juncea, more potent than the white, that is sometimes called yellow, Sinapis alba; these two between them providing nearly all commercial mustard.
Focaccia Bread
I love bread. I am never so happy as when there is good bread at hand, whether to enjoy with some mature cheese or to wipe up the last traces of a beautiful sauce; to break into my soup or even to toss in a salad.
Pork Vindaloo
The culinary heritage of India is so rich and diverse that it seems such a pity and even disrespectful just to lump it all together and call it "curry".
Winter-Warm Penny Pinching Recipes
The winter chill has set in so we thought it time to share a selection of reader tips about low-cost warm-winter meals.
While the rest of New Zealand has been focused on government budgets and red ink, of late the staff at the Institute of Oily Rag Studies have turned to more humble matters: the pumpkin.
Best-by or Use-by: That is the Question
In reality, while some households are extremely label-conscious, throwing food away before it even passes the deadline date, others are much more pragmatic and frugal. Such families will tend to use their common sense - only throwing out milk once there i