Every year as the world evolves, so too does our language. Here are some suggestions for ...
Shares With Colin Carpenter
Here is a hilarious blast from the past – who remembers the hapless Aussie character Col’n ...
Kinetic Rain
Singapore Changi Airport’s Terminal 1 has a magnificent art installation – Kinetic Rain. The sculpture enthralls visitors with its fluidity, ...
Inconsiderate Neighbours
My neighbour is so inconsiderate. He knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning; can you ...
Who Am I?
It seems that lately my life has been getting more complicated, and I want to thank ...
My New Truck
I bought a new Ford F250 Tri-Flex Fuel Truck that runs on either hydrogen, gasoline or ...
Too Much Of A Good Thing?
Skateboarding can be great fun for all ages, but when is it too big and too ...