Not wishing to depend on my stylish friend forever, I asked her to tell me her tips for a successful shopping trip
Fashion & Beauty
Gentlemen! Attract the Interest you Deserve
Whether you’re trying to attract a little attention in the search for a significant other, or you’re simply over being seen as ‘part of the furniture,’ getting noticed can be tricky.
Hair Care for Seniors Part 2
In this second part of our series, we cover colour, style, and how to help your significant other with their hair. Plus, we bring you some seriously useful tips that are so easy, you’ll wonder why you never thought of them yourself!
Hair Care for Seniors
As we age, our bodies change – and that includes our hair. That’s why we asked a trusted hair stylist, experienced at working with senior clients, for her advice.
Dressing to your Body Shape
No, this is not an article about fruit. This is an article about body shapes, how to identify your body shape and what to wear.
Summer Style Tips for the Mature Man
If you’re looking to smarten up your wardrobe this summer – and even get noticed – here are some take away tips for success
Skincare in Your 60’s and Beyond
In some ways, caring for our skin in our 60s and beyond is simpler than at any other time in life, despite the potential for it being afflicted by more conditions.
Simple Rules for Staying Stylish
It’s a misnomer that only thin people look stylish. There are many ways the more voluptuous ...
Declutter Your Wardrobe in Just 5 Minutes a Day
The thought of closet organizing makes most people groan. But it doesn’t need to be this ...
Advice and Tips from a Personal Stylist
If you’ve ever watched a young child pick out their own clothing, you’ll know that rhyme ...