Four simple recipes each only using 2 ingredients. Banana Pancakes Step 1: In a bowl, mix ...
Fun facts
When did Adolph Rickenbacker invent the electric guitar? The company was founded in 1931 as the ...
Situation vacant
Here’s an opportunity to get a new job, irrespective of age or experience. Immediate start 1 hour ...
Video: The 90 year sound mirrors that protected Britain during the war
Britain built an experimental wall to mirror sound from enemy aircraft up to 27 miles out ...
Video: Train jingles in Tokyo
Great Big Story shares the story of Minoru Mukaiya, a train buff who has composed around 200 ...
Fun facts: Red herring, freezing bacteria, red makes us hungry, Star Wars
Red Herring According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a red herring may be intentional, or unintentional; ...
Fun facts: a snail’s pace, “say cheese”, Dr Seuss, animals’ eyes
How fast is a snail’s pace? As they crawl they secrete a slime to help themselves ...
Video: Photos that will change the way you see the world
Photos can offer such a different perspective.
Quotes to ponder: Steve Jobs
“For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ...
Stunning timelapse featuring blooming flowers
After 9 months and 50,000 shots (only using 5,000 for the final video), ‘DaviddelosSan’ completed this ...