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Cruise Special



Out of America's TV factory comes the latest hot show, Pan Am, inspired by that long-ago time in aviation when flying was glamorous and people dressed up to get on a plane.

Did You Hear?

Auckland was a humming town in 1880s. Your ancestors flirted and laughed and gossiped when they weren't being outraged and appalled. Some things were just too "utterly utter", as they used to say back then.


It all began, reportedly, during the American Civil War, Union Captain Robert Ellicombe, with his men were camped near Harrison's Landing in Virginia, with the Confederate Army on the other side of the narrow strip of land.

I Love Birds

Latish in life, I've come to realise I love birds. For most of my life I've regarded birds as secondary to other real animal life and I've thought that bird-watchers were, frankly, bird-brains.

Hot Lights in the City

Imagine the excitement in Auckland 126 years ago as Woodyear's Electric Circus unloaded piles of crates onto the wharf downtown and got ready to stage its latest spectacular.


The Press newspaper recently told the previously untold story of one of the great unsung heroes from that day - Rob Mackle.

That Old Epithet

The AA Magazine arrived the other day. No, not that AA, although if it had been, it might have been somewhat less depressing that the one I got, which sported a cover line promoting a story headlined 'Dangers for Older Drivers'.

It’s Almost Yarn Bombing Day!

There's absolutely no knowing what new trend is about to pop up in the world. Take yarn bombing, for instance. If, like me, you've never heard of it before, it's a subversive new form of knitting.