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Exclusive member-only content covering topics across, travel & holidays, health & wellness, financial fitness, real life member stories and much more

Radical Recycling – and how you can help

Bulging bins, bursting bags, and overflowing wheelie bins! Waste is a serious problem, but although we all want to do our best to reduce what we contribute to landfill, New Zealand has been sadly lacking in opportunities for recycling.

Matariki – our latest public holiday!

Who doesn’t enjoy a break, and this June (the 24th to be exact), we’ll be celebrating a new one! It’s Matariki, a lively public holiday which centres on the rising of the Matariki star cluster in the night sky.

Beating Loneliness One Step At a Time

Feeling lonely is not a state anyone wants to find themselves in for very long, and for good reason. Research shows loneliness can detrimentally affect our immune systems, heighten our blood pressure, and increase our cholesterol.