While most retirees prepare for the financial side of retirement, few give serious, long-term thought to the social side.
Editor’s Top Picks
Exclusive member-only content covering topics across, travel & holidays, health & wellness, financial fitness, real life member stories and much more
The Importance of Balance Exercises
Balance is fundamental to all bodily movement. Doing exercises regularly helps you maintain this key skill.
Senior Nomads – does the dream live up to the reality?
The notion of experiencing life-on-the-move is hot on the bucket list of many seniors. But is the dream really as good as the reality?
Work-Life Balance – Why Seniors Struggle
There is a less-often talked about group of people for whom work-life balance can be seriously tricky - seniors in the pre-retirement bracket.
7 Tips to Reduce Blood Pressure
If you've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, I want to give you some information to help you reduce it
How to Job Search Creatively
Read our job hunting tips to start you thinking in creative ways about your next career move!
The Benefits of Better Balance
Unfortunately, balance is an often overlooked aspects of good health. Read our top seven reasons to make balance training part of your everyday lifestyle.
Beat Loneliness – Tips to Find Younger Friends!
There are secrets to forging friendships with those who are younger than us, and to learn some of them – you have only to read on!
Fed Up With Living Alone? Check out these alternatives
Whether you’re someone who likes to care for others, or simply enjoy the feeling of your home being ‘lived in’, read our options for living with others.
As Strength Declines Resolve Takes Over!
Around the home, there are small changes you can make to compensate for loss of strength. Check out our tips and talk with friends about the one hundred and one ways to ‘carry on and conquer!’