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Books & Book Reviews


E‐mails. We get a stack of them every day. Most are rubbish. Some are exceptional. This book is the world's best e‐mails - a collection of the cleverest, funniest e‐mail jokes out there.

New Zealand Star Signs 2012

What does the coming year have in store for you? Shed a little light on the year ahead with insightful, detailed horoscopes from trusted New Zealand astrologer Anne Macnaughtan.

One Click

Amazon's business model is deceptively simple: make online shopping so easy that customers won't think twice. It can be summed up by that button on every page: 'Buy now with one click'.


What if you could go back in time and change the course of history? What if the watershed moment you could change was the JFK assassination, 11/22/63, the date that Kennedy was shot?

Red Mist

The new Kay Scarpetta novel from the world's #1 bestselling crime writer.