Experts in marriage are often the ones who have been there, done that and stayed married ...
Health & Wellness
Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.
6 ways to maintain your fitness level
Maintaining a healthy weight is no easy fete. However, despite the difficulties, it is essential that ...
Is your sex life boring?
A recent study found that in 2 years of marriage, the average women's interest in sex drops off about 50%. This results in a lot less intercourse per week.
Video: The need for acceptance will make you invisible – Jim Carrey
We all know Jim Carrey for his comedy, but he is now spreading joy through his ...
What is protein and why do we need It?
Protein helps us to get leaner. As the raw material for almost all body tissue, proteins are broken down and used to create the cells that make up organs, muscle, skin hair, neurotransmitters and more.
Free play
Play has changed. We used to ‘go and play’ as kids – often for hours outside ...
Baby Boomers – the original “flower children”
Having a great sex life by adults over 60 is largely dependent on health and lifestyle. ...
Video: TEDX Stop hating your body; start living your life
“You are fat”… “You are ugly”… “You are disgusting”. That’s what millions of women around the ...
Video: Grow new brain cells
The TED talk series are always fascinating, but this is a particularly good one, if you ...
"The oldest trees often bear the sweetest fruit"