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Health & Wellness

Articles about our health and wellbeing, mind, emotions, keeping fit, your hearing, eyesight and dental needs, natural remedies and keeping vital.

Just Keep On Keeping On

Work brought Liz Chinnery to Nelson about twenty years ago. Now sixty nine and retired, she says "every day I pull back the curtains, look outside and say yay, another day! Any day is a good day in Nelson."

Dealing With Tension

Have you ever noticed how some people have an inner calm about them whilst others seem more turbulent like Cook Straight on a winter's day? The difference is often in the state of mind and with a little practice and effort you will be surprised how easy i

Men’s health & fitness from 20 to 50… and beyond

If men look after their body, it will serve them well, even beyond their allotted three score and ten. Guys, does it not make sense to maintain health and wellness, your most valuable asset, rather than manage sickness through drugs and surgery as you age

Ageing Well with Diabetes

At age 64 Alan Mirfin, who has Type 1 diabetes, is still employed and works a 40 hour week. "I am as active as I can be. I'm fit, walk to work, garden weekends, and lead a pretty busy life."