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Conditions related to 50+ health wellbeing.

Menopause Insomnia

Losing sleep during the critical years of a woman's middle age can be frustrating, not to mention inconvenient. Menopause insomnia, in fact, is inescapable, and a symptom of the slowing down of a woman's reproductive system. Menopause insomnia is caused b

Good Nutrition

Patrick Holford is deadly serious when he says, "Most of us are digging our own graves with our knives and forks."

Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer affects men about twice as often as women. Most people who contract this disease ...

Cholesterol Levels

A cholesterol test is a blood test that measures your total blood cholesterol level and its components. Together, the results are known as your blood lipid profile. Lipids are just another name for the fatty substances in the body and bloodstream.