By Mike Milstein
John Miles is a very energized and alive 75 years old. On reflection he figures that he started getting ready for retirement when he was about twelve. While he didn't realize it at that time, during his youth he was creating the priorities and patterns that have guided his life ever since. Once these were established it was just a matter of expanding on what he has been doing and loving all his life.
John was born on an English estate in 1931, but he is quick to note that he was not the owner's son! He credits his grandmother and father with pointing him in the right direction for a good life. . He remembers his grandmother as a wonderful person, interested in all the good things in life. "She taught me how to appreciate artistic things, especially painting. She was a model for my life." His father was also a positive force: "He took me to the great museums of London as a child and taught me how to look at things carefully."
In his youth he did a lot of volunteer work, particularly during the challenging years of WWII. He has continued to do so through the years. Currently he is doing promotional work for New Zealand ballet, opera and symphony companies.
John enjoyed earning a living. "I was happy to get up on Monday morning and go to work. I was always able to follow my passion." At the same time, he was aware that there was more to life than work. In fact, he thinks many people are too devoted to their jobs. "I always resigned from a position if it was work I didn't like," which is a good example of how he practices his beliefs.
When it came time to stop full time employment, he shifted to part time work as an exhibition officer for the Nelson Museum, which allowed him to bring many of his interests and skills together. "It did so in a way that tapped into the core of who I am. It isn't good to just stop work totally. Retirement just means doing something else. Enjoy it. Have fun!"
John sees life as an opportunity to explore continuous learning experiences. "I've never stopped learning. I go to seminars, lectures, and workshops." He is also blessed with a partner, Shirley, who shares his enthusiasm for learning and living fully. He says that he and Shirley have identical interests, even though they don't "always agree on things. We've shared many interests for our 50 plus years together, including music, opera, art galleries, book galleries, meeting people, U3A courses, and tai chi. It's a good mix." They are also interested in world affairs, "good or bad news. In fact, each day, I start out thinking about what is going on in the world."
So, how does John see retirement? "It's about doing what I always loved to do. It's a seamless process, just keep expanding on things. It's about people, focusing on relationships and expanding our knowledge this way. It's about meeting life's challenges. Enthusiasm carries me a long way." How enthusiastic is John? He is even looking forward to the requirement of getting his driver's license renewed now that he is 75!
Note: This article was published in The Leader, Nelson, NZ. It summarizes an interview aired on Nelson’s Fresh FM that was conducted by Annie Henry for the Conscious Ageing Network (CAN), which is sponsored by Age Concern, Nelson. If you want to share your thoughts with CAN or wish to know when interviews will be aired, send an email to
Paulm - 15 years ago