"Why Be a Clean, Green, Low Impact Motor Caravaner?"
Courtesy of NZ Motor Caravan Association
New Zealand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. We have outstanding landscapes, stunning forests, clear blue waters, fresh air and charming wildlife.
New Zealand has a reputation for being healthy, clean and green. That's why we want to travel here, and why we want to share the beauty with our friends and family.
All of us need to play our part in keeping New Zealand healthy, clean and green, so that we, and our friends and family, can continue to enjoy it's beauty in the future.
The most important thing we all need to do is always dispose of our waste in a proper manner – a dump station facility or proper sewerage system for black and grey waste water, and rubbish collection facilities for solid waste.
Indiscriminate waste disposal has already caused serious pollution in NZ – it's visually offensive, smells disgusting, and has caused serious health and environmental problems. The last thing we want is to be part of making that pollution worse.
Polluting our waters has the worst consequences.
Only a tiny amount of human faecal matter is needed to cause pollution, as there are millions of micro-organisms in every gram.
Infectious viruses and parasites can survive for several months in water, including giardia, hepatitis A, cryptosporidium and gastroenteritis-causing viruses. Skin diseases can also be spread.
Whether waste is discharged in water or on land, especially if it contains chemicals, it can destroy the fragile ecosystems of our waters, forests and pastures.
Wildlife exposed to the waste can spread diseases or be harmed themselves.
The law has harsh penalties for discharging contaminants into water or onto land. If an enforcement officer has reasonable cause to believe you have committed such an offence, you can be charged an instant fine of up to
If you do not pay within 28 days, or if the offence is very serious, there are greater penalties, which may include prison sentences.
NZMCA members found to be disposing of waste inappropriately can have their membership revoked.
To protect yourself, our environment and our health, we encourage you to make your vehicle self contained, and always, always, use a dump station or proper sewerage system to dispose of black and grey waste.
NZMCA members are provided with a comprehensive list of dump stations by Area in their Handbook Travel Directory.
Rubbish disposal is also important.
Never litter, or leave waste in inappropriate places.
Local authorities have rules relating to rubbish disposal, e.g. you cannot leave household rubbish in public litter bins outside of camping areas.
Dumping rubbish carries harsh penalties, including fines and prison sentences, especially if the rubbish could spread disease or injure someone.
Always 'pack in, pack out' – especially when on Department of Conservation land, as they have strict rules that no waste is to be left anywhere on any of their land.
If you can't take your rubbish home with you, use a Transfer Station – you may even be able to recycle there!
Jim Curtis, a GrownUps member has kindly got in touch with the following information… He has a dump point at his place which is free to all memebers on the NZMCA and any other motorhomes, rental or private, that need to dump.
Jim's address is 1057 Tremaine Ave, Palmerston North. On an intersection with Midhurst St There is dump station sign on the fence in Midhurst St. There is a dump sign on the street light pole at the intersection. An easy land mark is the raiway crossing at Tremaine Ave. Also
A big sign on the insection for Supreme Blast and Paint.
It's all about keeping NZ green.
Jim Curtis. Take only photographs. Leave only footprints and tyre tracks behind you.
Kelpie - 18 years ago
Up the fines to stop the sods discharging their waste in our rivers.
Give local people ranger status to trap these disgusting idiots who think it is saving them money —‘ running water clears itself ‘they will arrogantly tell you if remonstrated with.
Remember it is your word against theirs if you complain. So take photos.