Travel Gains

travel gain
travel gain

Young caucasian woman tourist riding on camel in Egypt desert

Leaving the comfort of your home and country can be an excellent way to develop as a person. There’s nothing like new experiences to broaden your mind and promote personal growth. If you’ve always wanted to travel, but have been held back by fear, then you’re normal – many people feel the same way. However, conquering a fear of the unknown can benefit you in so many aspects of your life. Let the world be your classroom – what a wonderful place to learn life’s lessons!

Conquer fear

New experiences throw up all kinds of opportunities for learning and growth. Start out small, if the unknown challenges you. Travel with a friend and practice spending an hour on your own in a new environment and work towards larger goals from there. Bravery is like a muscle – it will become stronger with practice.

Learn to appreciate time

Travel offers an abundance of time that many of us don’t enjoy at home. Spend it getting to know your own thoughts again, slow down, recharge and learn to enjoy your own company (and that of your travel companion if you have one!)

Change your attitude to food

Sampling new foods can be a barrier to travel for some. While it is understandable to feel hesitant, there is so much to be gained by trying new foods – it can open up interests you didn’t know you had! Why not crunch on a grasshopper or gobble an eel? Great food is a full sensory experience – don’t miss out – dive in!

Find out what you’ve been missing 

Surf in Bali. Camp in the Sahara. Ride in a hot air balloon. Explore ruins in Rome. Talk to people of different cultures. There is so much in the world that cannot be learned from books. Smell the smells, immerse yourself in the outdoors, listen to the people. You will become more patient, more inspired, more well rounded and more interesting to talk to.

Be resourceful

The best stories start from adversity. Learn to solve problems in challenging situations. Negotiate in another language, find your way in an unfamiliar place or rebook after a delay. Overcoming challenges will make your day to day problems seem so much more manageable. Before you leave, check with a travel insurance advisor about what cover you need in a practical sense, then use your initiative for the smaller hiccups.

Gain confidence

All of this combined leads to a newfound confidence when it comes to travel, people, and navigating the world. Grab it with both hands!