Some good friends of mine suffered the trauma of having their home burgled recently. The thief took advantage of the fact that these particular friends are fairly easy going people who will often go to the shops without worrying too much about securing their home. Sadly in today’s society this attitude will often create a situation that’s ideal for the opportunist thief. These thieves are typically amateurs who will wander through neighbourhoods looking for open windows or obviously unoccupied homes.
As a DIY person there are many things that you can do to deter all but the most persistent and professional burglar.
Let’s look at the favourite access point for the impulse thief – the window. Most homes these days have security stays fitted to their windows; these are easily fitted by home handy people. Check the range at your local Hardware store and make sure that you get the correct ones for your window type. However security stays are recommend for use for ventilation purposes when you are at home. When leaving the house close all windows and ideally lock them with a window lock. A large range of window locks are available from your local store. Or you can block sliding windows with a piece of dowel in the track or sash windows can be secured with a large nail or piece of metal rod fitted into a hole drilled just above the bottom window and into the frame, both methods will prevent the window being moved. The glass in louvre windows needs to be epoxy glued into place or fit a security grill behind them.
Fit all exterior doors with deadlocks that require a key to open them from either side. These deadlocks come with full fitting instructions and with a little time and effort the average handy person can create a very secure door. Doors can also be fitted with a security chain that will allow you to partially open a door without giving full access to a caller until you decide to do so. These chains are available in a wide range of styles and costs, remember cheap is not always the best!
Another DIY project for home security would be a simple wireless burglar alarm. Once again there is a wide range of product available, take your time and select a system that’s easy to fit, operate and has a good warranty. Also fit a number of external security lights around your property. These units come complete with sensors that will switch the light on when people approach your home at night.
With a little bit of effort and a dose of common sense you can make your home secure from opportunist thieves without developing a siege mentality. A final tip would be to talk to your local community police constable and join a neighbourhood watch group.
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Read more DIY advise from Chris Bennett here.
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