Family Living Overseas

family skupe
family skupe

Mother and daughter enjoying surfing on the net with tablet while relaxing at home with coffee

I don’t know how many of you have children or family living overseas but it seems it is happening more and more these days.

More job opportunities is a big reason people move away, but for family left back in New Zealand it can be quite hard.

I have a daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren living in Australia which is not too far away but I also have a son, daughter-in-law and grandson living in Bangkok.  My son is a teacher and job opportunities plus international travel is always tempting for him.

My husband and I have travelled to see our children overseas on quite a few occasions, and this year we had a family reunion in Italy.  It was wonderful, and I did mention this in an article a few months ago.

But I have to admit I am feeling quite sad at the moment, as my family in Bangkok are all in hospital with a nasty virus.  This is a time when you want to be near your loved ones, and jumping on a plane to go and see them is not an easy option.

My son actually sent me a little cartoon on his Facebook messenger with the quotation ‘Its times like this when you really need a Mummy hug.’   All I wanted to do in that moment was reach out and hug him.

I wonder how many of you have been in a similar situation.  If your child is ill overseas or has an accident all you want to do is be near them and comfort them like you did when they were small.

I am thankful I have access to social media and can be kept up to date with their progress.

Missing out on your grandchildren’s milestones is always hard.  They grow up so quickly and I miss them dearly. Christmas and birthday celebrations seem so much quieter without extended family.  I so often think about when my parents were alive and we would have big family gatherings at Christmas.  I loved the sing-along around the piano – plus watching my parents have one or two more sherries than they should was always good for a laugh.

Now there are only five of us at Christmas which for me feels a bit sad, but I am grateful I have one little grandson here who is such a joy and is so loving – he helps make Christmas special.

I keep asking my children to move back to New Zealand but I don’t think it’s going to happen any time soon but I will just keep hoping.  With house prices so high now I think that also has an effect on their decision.

Next July we are going to go over to Bangkok for a couple of weeks to spend time with my son’s family and already I am counting down the months.

While the family have been in hospital I have been able to talk to them on Facebook, which has been a big help.  Being so far away and worrying about their health is horrible.

I must say the hospital they are in in Bangkok looks like a five star hotel which is reassuring.

With modern air travel the world is getting that much closer now so we can’t despair if our loved ones do move away.  They have a right to live their lives to the full and it does not mean they love us any the less.

The times you are able to be together become that much more important and I treasure every moment.  

By Kay Rayner. Read more here.