Quick Garden Tidy Ups

garden tidy up
garden tidy up

Small garden in springtime with dachshund dog sitting on the lawn.

More often than not the garden at winter can become neglected and left to its own devices. The change in weather can damage plants, crack pots and blow in a variety of mess you never knew you have lurking beneath the bushes.

So here are some quick and simple tidy up ideas, that won’t take long to implement, and will certainly leave your garden fresh, clean and ready for spring.

Dig out winter weeds – it can be a long and tedious job, but it will be worth the effort you put in. Even if you just walk around the perimeter of the flower beds and hand pick out the rogue weeds you discover, it will make a visual difference. If you’ve got more time on your hands or a larger area to weed, getting a gardening hoe will allow you to break up the soil with more speed and cover more ground. Tempting as it is to let things go over the winter, it will save you time in the spring if you keep on top of the basics.

Clean up potted plants – Cleaning out and re-potting your plants can really make a difference in how your garden or patio instantly looks. Don’t leave a dying plant wilting in the cold, re-plant what you have in fresh soil and a clean pot or buy some new plants to add to your collection. If you know the temperature will drop and you’re worried about the pots cracking, invest in a frost proof all-weather plant pot. It will be worth the money and won’t require you to constantly be finding new pots when the old ones split.

Rake leaves – It may sound simple enough but just by raking leaves off the lawn and out of the flower beds, you create a clean and well looked after garden. Keeping them out of gutters and drains is also beneficial both visually and practically! You don’t want to find a soggy backlog of leaves blocking your drains and causing flood damage.

Sweep and clean patio area – If you’re finding weeds and unsightly moss growing in between your patio slabs, now is the time to dig them up and scrape them away. It will help avoid any long-term damage to your tiles and will give that added edge to a well-kept garden.

Finally, plant some colour – There are lots of flowers out there that will withstand the winter cold such as pansies, primulas, cyclamen or calendula plants. This is a great finishing touch to inject some life and brightness into a cold winters day.

Just because it’s winter, doesn’t mean you can’t keep your outside space looking fresh and well kept. Try these simple steps this weekend and see the difference it can make.