Strawberries are synonymous with summer – bright, fresh and festive. Their appearance on menus and in stores signal the beginning of summer, conjuring up thoughts of delicious desserts, picnics and beach time. If you’d like to grow your own strawberries, now is the time, if you’d like a bumper harvest in time for Christmas. Be one step ahead; once they have started arriving in the shops, you may have missed the boat!
Strawberries are easily grown in sunny spots and they’re a crop that’s quick to fruit. The best time to plant strawberries in New Zealand is from June through to September in warm central and northern regions and August through to September in the cooler southern regions. Strawberry plants grow well almost anywhere that gets plenty of sun and that isn’t too wet.
Plant your strawberries in a well drained area, and remember to avoid a spot where you have previously grown potatoes or tomatoes. All three plants can be susceptible to the same diseases. Water them regularly as they are growing, particularly if you have a spell of dry weather. If you care for your strawberry plants well, you should expect three good seasons of fruit from them.
Just like us humans, birds are very fond of strawberries, so you may need to cover the plants with netting to avoid ‘poaching’ by our feathered friends!
Pavlovas and strawberries go together hand in hand, but remember they are wonderful with other combinations – goats cheese, balsamic vinegar and greens in a salad for example. Excess strawberries can also be made into cordial concentrate – this is delicious topped with ice, fresh mint and soda water, or maybe a dash of something more exotic!
Stephanie - 10 years ago
The price of strawberries goes up suddenly as we get to Christmas.The bought ones don’t have the flavour of the homegrown ones either.The best idea is to have homegrown strawberries ready for Christmas if you wanttoput them on your Christmas Pav!