10 Gardening Gift Ideas

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Article by John Smith

In recent times, taking to the garden has become really quite fashionable. Where once gardening and growing your own vegetables was seen as something for old men grafting away on allotments in the sleeting rain, now it is something for everybody. With this has come an increase in the amount of gardening gifts available online and below are ten of the very best. 


First, is something that might greet you as you come in from the garden? The last thing anyone wants is mud and dirt tramped through the house, so a personalised door mat can display a funny message as you come in from your work


When you are working on your flower beds or going down to do a bit of weeding, you are often down on your knees. This can be painful, so be sure to get yourself a foam knee pad to make sure you can still stand up after your graft!


Anyone and everyone needs to keep a track of what's going on, seed plantings or knowing when your flowers are going to bloom for instance. The best way, I can see, is to buy some gardening gifts that can help with this, like a personalised calendar for instance.


Another thing related to gardening is just what men get up to in their beloved sheds. However, the book "101 Things To Do in a Shed" hopes to help with this and packs its pages with 101 tasks and projects that should keep anyone busy for hours when pottering about in their shed. 


Now, not all gardening has to actually be done indoors. One of the coolest gardening gifts you can get someone for the indoor months is a bonsai tree. This tiny tree makes for a stylish addition to any room and its diminutive stature means it can be grown and cared for indoors. 


A lot of people like their food with a little kick. If you are someone who likes their food with a kick, then a "Grow It: Chilli Plants" gift box would make for a brilliant gift. Using this, you can grow your own chillies and add them to your own cooking, or just eat them raw, if you're particularly brave. All told, this is one of the "hottest" gardening gifts you can buy (I'm sorry).


Most gardeners, or at least the ones I know, tend to have quite a few "irons in the fire" with regards to what they are growing. Gardening gifts tend to be seeds a lot of the time too, so how do you manage to keep all this organised? Well, by buying them a handmade seed organiser, they can keep all their seeds in separate labelled sections and not confuse what they are growing. If not, they would just have to reap what they sow (I apologise again for these horrible puns).


Now, anyone who has ever undertaken any sort of hard graft will know that it is thoroughly thirsty work. Gardening gifts come in many different guises, but there are very few which can bring you to mind every time someone uses them. What you can get to help with both of the aforementioned is a personalised mug, which come in all sorts of different styles, including having your chosen name written in the stars or carried on a flag at a football match.


Every gardener, regardless of how experienced and green fingered they are, will not be able to know everything about absolutely every aspect of gardening. They might not admit this, but if you went ahead and bought them The Little Book of Gardening Tips, they would still use it to make their garden as lush and attractive as possible.


And finally; make sure everyone in the house knows just who the head gardener is by getting them a fun "Head Gardener" badge to pin on to their apron or gardening gear when they venture out. 

So, there you have it, ten unique and fun gardening gifts to get for the green fingered ones among your friends and family. These should keep them occupied and help them with their hobby at the same time and should keep you in their good books by getting them great presents – everyone is a winner. In any case, I hope these have put a seed of inspiration in your head (I'm sorry again!).