Ah, the Christmas ham. It’s a fantastic tradition. It graces many a table on the big day, only to continue giving in sandwiches and as leftovers in the coming days. Another tradition at this time of year, which is slightly less wonderful is overindulgence, which leaves one feeling a bit dusty in the morning.
Enter your old friend Christmas ham. There’s nothing like a good old fry-up to soak up a bit of overindulgence. Even if your behaviour is beyond reproach, a breakfast or brunch of ham hash is a great way to start the day.
The beauty of a hash is that you are free to add any leftovers stashed in your fridge. For those who like to plan ahead, cut down the preparation time by bringing a few extra potatoes to the boil the night before, then letting them cool and dry slightly overnight.
For four servings, you will need:
4 potatoes, brought to the boil, then left to dry and cool (not cooked through)
- olive oil
- one onion, finely chopped
- sliced Christmas ham
- sharp cheddar
- eggs, optional
- a handful of chopped fresh herbs
- chutney, to serve
Heat a good dash of olive oil in a heavy bottomed pan. Fry onion until soft and add the ham until it is warm and slightly golden on the edges.
Remove and set aside. Grate the potatoes. Add more olive oil to the pan, then mix the potato, onion, herbs and ham together and mix well. Season with salt and pepper. Spread into the pan and allow to cook until golden on the bottom. Grate over cheddar and crack an egg per person (if desired). Place the pan under a preheated grill until the cheese is bubbling and the eggs are done to your liking.
Check seasoning and serve in wedges with your favourite chutney.
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