Welcoming the Next Generation!

Welcoming the Next Generation

One of the joys of growing older, is welcoming the next generation to the world. Whether it’s a grandbaby, a little niece, nephew, cousin, or a friend or neighbour’s baby, a new life is a cause for celebration. With it, comes the responsibility of finding the right baby gift, and in many ways it’s a task that can no longer be taken lightly. Parents of today are keenly aware of the impact a baby will have on the planet, and a baby gift most appreciated, is one with the hallmarks of quality and sustainability.

Parents today are looking for baby products that won’t harm the planet, and they place value on quality goods which, when well cared for, can be passed onto the next child down the line. Traditionally sustainable baby gifts have included knitted woollen garments, but there are other fibres now available that are long-life, sustainable, and you don’t have to craft them yourself. One of the most popular with new parents are garments made from organically, sustainably grown, bamboo.

Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth, with some species growing up to 91 cm in a single day. Compared to many other plants, it requires much less water to survive, something which means it can be grown on marginal lands. Because bamboo is insect and pest resistant, there’s no need to blast a plantation of this amazing plant with insecticides as it grows, so the soil and natural animal life in the plantation remains unharmed. Best of all, bamboo can be harvested without destroying the plant. It’s root structure remains in the ground, holding soil in place and preventing erosion and land degradation. New bamboo springs up from existing clumps so there’s no need to sow from scratch, with all the labour and resources this entails. With its ability to absorb carbon from the atmosphere while giving off abundant supplies of oxygen, bamboo is a climate-change friendly option.

Best of all, bamboo fibre garments and accessories are perfect for newborns, as well as older babies, because they are soft yet hard wearing, breathable, and help with temperature control. In fact, a well-cared for bamboo garment can be passed on from baby to baby!

If you’d prefer to give a baby gift that doesn’t involve clothing or bedding, then choose an item of quality you know will be long lasting – gone are the days when parents are happy to discard an item when finished with it. They would rather donate it to another family, sell it second hand, or take it, still in good condition, to a thrift store.

Alternatively, if baby is already inundated with gifts from adoring rellies and friends, a smart move can be to consider the new mum, and what she might enjoy. After all, with the cost of living crisis, new parents are often making do as never before. So, while an essential baby bag – the holder of all baby paraphernalia – doesn’t have to be anything more than a reusable shopping bag, what a treat for a new mum to receive something specially designed for everything she needs to head out of the house with baby in tow! Or perhaps she’d appreciate an essential, personal item only she would know about. If that’s the case, why not flick her a website to browse through, along with your budget range, and give her the freedom to choose her own gift you are happy to pay for.

Choosing a ‘welcome baby’ gift is such a pleasurable and exciting thing to do. But sometimes, our first port of call should be the new parents, and what they will appreciate. We live in an age where quality and sustainability counts more than ever before. Happy shopping!