What is your good life?


celebrate‘One day’ has arrived. As in – “one day I will try that restaurant, one day I will take a mid winter holiday, one day I will by a motorbike, one day I will get fit, one day I will finish my degree, one day I will surprise my spouse with a special gift, one day I will have my financial affairs in order…”

To make your ‘one day’ today, you need to get organised. First of all; dream. What does your ideal life look like? Dream big and then see how many dreams you can make come true. What is stopping you from getting what you want? Write a list of your dreams – for your family, yourself, your finances and really assess them. They may be more achievable that you think, given the right advice and direction.

Do you have all your capital tied up in your home?
Is it time to consider selling so you can live a more stimulating life?
Are you scared of what people will think?
Do you need to be healthier to travel?
Do you need to ask for help?
Do you feel like you deserve a good life?
What are you waiting for?

These are questions we don’t ask enough.  Answering them can open up all kinds of options.

Seek really sound professional advice, as well as that of friends and family. Once you have all the information you need to make an informed decision, go ahead. Enjoy this beautiful life.