Chores – Worth Persisting

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11243 Peaceful Parent 547fa233a79a1

If you had gazillions of dollars and could afford servants – would you bother doing chores?

Most people wouldn’t. Chores are not fun and I have better things to do with my time.

Your kids would think the same. No wonder many parents give up: the energy and aggravation required to get kids to do chores is more than doing the chores ourselves. But doing chores has been shown to build skills, boost self-esteem and create character in your child. Doing chores in childhood is one of the strongest predictors of success later in life.

Persevere: chores are not just cheap child labour but a ‘life-skills training course’. The key to so much in life is the phrase, “Do the hard thing”. For your child, that will mean doing chores; for you, it means insisting that they do them! 

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