Severe Backache

Close up of business man holding his lower back. Man rubbing his painful back

Close up of business man holding his lower back. Man rubbing his painful back

A man goes to see his doctor. The doctor asks for the reason for his visit, and the man says that he has a severe backache. The doctor asks what caused the backache, and the man explained, “this morning, when I got back home from my night shift at work, I saw my wife naked in bed asleep, and there were evidence of a man’s presence, so I immediately began searching for the b*stard.

“When I looked out of window, I saw a naked man running down the alley beside my house, pulling on his clothes as he went. I grabbed the nearest object to me, the refrigerator, and dropped it out in the alley where it landed on the man. So I guess you could say the back pain was caused by heavy lifting.”

The doctor was somewhat shocked, but wrote the man a prescription for painkillers, and he leaves.

His next appointment is another man, also complaining of severe back pain. Again, the doctor asks the man what caused it. “This morning I woke up late and was very late for work, so I raced out of the house getting dressed as I went into the alley. Suddenly a heavy object dropped on me from above, which caused the pain.”

The doctor prescribed him pain killers and sent him on his way.

The third appointment was a third man, complaining of severe back pain. Somewhat sarcastically, the doctor asked if he had been lifting or hit by a refrigerator recently. The man was rather surprised and replied, “No, but I was inside one as it fell.”