Fun Facts – 21 October 2015

fun facts10
fun facts10

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  • We are made up of around 7 octillion atoms. That’s 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, or seven billion billion billion miniscule particles.
  • We are literally stardust.Your body and nearly everything on earth is composed of the residue formed from the cataclysmic explosion of star matter that occurred 13.7 billion years ago.
  • We are 99% empty space – We are made up of atoms, and only 1% of an atom consists of protons, neutrons and electrons. The other 99% is empty space. In fact, if you were to take away the empty space of every human being on the planet, scientists estimate we would all fit into a something the size of sugar cube!
  • Our unconscious (not conscious) mind is running the show. The unconscious mind has been proven to make decisions before we consciously decide anything.
  • You are only aware of a tiny percentage of what is going on inside of your mind. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud compared this to an iceberg: only the tip of the iceberg can be seen above water, but below the water looms the rest. Professor of medicine Dr Bruce Lipton compared the mind to a computer: our unconscious mind operates at 40 million bits of data per second, whereas our conscious mind only operates at 40 bits per second.
  • Most of the universe is invisible. 27% of the mass of the universe is dark matter, and 68% of the mass of the universe is dark energy. Both dark energy and dark matter are invisible. Only 5% of the universe is normal, observable matter.
  • Only 10% of the ocean has been explored … imagine what shocks, oddities, and wonders the other 90% holds!
  • Every five seconds 500,000 chemical reactions have occurred in every single cell of your body; 1.5 people die of starvation; 10,056 pounds of edible food is thrown away in America; the average person in the world makes $0.01; the universe has expanded about 46 miles.

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