Fun Facts – 09 December 2015

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fun facts18

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  • Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.
  • The six official languages of the United Nations are: English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.
  • More people are allergic to cow’s milk than any other food.
  • Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.
  • The placement of a donkey’s eyes in its’ heads enables it to see all four feet at all times
  • The average lead pencil will draw a line 35 miles long or write approximately 50,000 English words.
  • On average a hedgehog’s heart beats 300 times a minute.
  • The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man
  • Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails
  • One quarter of the bones in your body, are in your feet

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