Frock Up Friday

10762 frockup friday
10762 frockup friday

frockup fridayThere’s something about Friday psychologically – the end of the working week, the entry to the weekend, the day we feel just a bit more celebratory than most.

If you go out to work, Friday has a different feel in the office – for some it means ditching the suit and tie for more casual attire, for some it’s an after work drink and laugh.

If you aren’t at out work; either retired, working from home or working unpaid caring for a family, you can feel a little cheated when it comes to Fridays.

That’s where Frock Up Friday comes in. It’s just a wee bit of fun that can liven up the end of your week, make you feel better and inject a sense of ceremony into our favourite day of the week.

So, try it. Regardless of what you do or don’t have on your calendar on Friday, try doing it frocked up. Take out your good clothes and wear them. Ladies, ditch the sensible and practical and sparkle a little. Splash on your best perfume, put on a bright lippy, do your hair and go about your business, even if that business is caring for small children  and running errands.

Meet your frocked up friends for a coffee and enjoy feeling a little bit special. It will feel more like an occasion. Particularly on dreary winter days, it’s nice to have a reason to feel great.  You could introduce a theme if you like – long dresses for the first Friday of the month, proper jewellery for the second, high heels for the third and so on.

Often we have beautiful clothes lurking in our wardrobes and rarely have an excuse to wear them – so make an excuse – it doesn’t cost anything to use your own lovely clothes and it gets so tiresome always being practical and sensible.

Use the opportunity to create your own occasion – perhaps Frock Up Friday can turn into Friday Fives – where you have your own ‘office drinks’ with a group of like minded friends at 5pm for an hour or so at home or at a local bar.

We’d love to see your Frock Up Friday pictures – if you try it, please take a photograph and send it to us at Grownups.