World First For Kiwi Men

11076 fulfil sex
11076 fulfil sex

fulfil sexErectile dysfunction is related to a number of common health issues such as diabetes, depression and heart disease – conditions which often appear in men over 40 years of age. It is also a highly sensitive issue, that many men would prefer not to discuss. Men are often more reticent to see a doctor at all, let alone to discuss such a delicate issue.

However, in a world first, kiwi men are now able to purchase a generic erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment, known as Silvasta (sildenafil), direct from trained pharmacists without a prescription. 

The medicine has been reclassified after approval from Medsafe, making it easier and more affordable to access. It has been on the New Zealand market for 14 years as a prescription medicine. 

The product will only be available to adult males (35-70 years old) presenting in person, and following a screening process with a trained pharmacist. 

Erectile dysfunction affects more than 900,000 New Zealand men over the age of 40. Being able to peak to a pharmacist informally may help men enjoy enjoy a healthy, loving and respectful relationship, rather than suffering in silence.

One of the closest expressions of love and respect between partners is a healthy sex life.  Unfortunately, age and health conditions can affect the quality of that sex life and some men are unable to make love when they want to or how they used to. This can affect how they feel about themselves and their relationship. 

Pharmacists have recently extended their role in the healthcare system with the reclassification of the emergency contraceptive pill, trimethoprim and the flu vaccine.