Just about everybody has got their own theory on what vitamin supplements are best to stock up on each winter to help ward off winter ills. While there will always be those who pooh-pooh the efficacy of vitamin supplements, many more of us seem to count on them to see us through.
My personal Top 3 Winter Stand-Bys are:
- A general multivitamin to help compensate a busy and sometimes stressful life and
- Ester C which apparently absorbs much more quickly into the blood stream than the standard variety. At the first sign of a sore throat or a cough or cold, I'll take Ester C and more often than not, manage to keep it at bay by also paying more attention to my diet, trying to stay warm and having earlier bedtimes. I also have rosacea and read that high doses of Vitamin C help reduce its occurrence so that's another reason I take it from time to time.
- Flaxseed, Evening Primrose and Fish Oils – a new one combining these also graces my shelves courtesy of my eye specialist. Taking this helps maintain the moisture levels in my eyes and so manage a long-term eye condition.
Recently my biological and urban families have been trying out gentle herb or vitamin alternatives to sleeping pills as one or other family member struggles to sleep. Last week, a friend reported that the Sleep Drops she bought for her daughter worked on all five other members of the family, except the person she bought them for! So she has gone back to the drawing board and is on the lookout for something new.
Not everything works for everybody. Certain vitamins and minerals can affect prescription medication so it always pays to mention what extra supplements you are taking to your GP if she or he is writing out a prescription for medication.
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