Whose body is it anyway?

Do you ever have those days where you wonder what ever happened to the body that you used to have?

How long is it since you did something that was just for your fun, health and fitness? Something where you didn't have to take anyone else into account?

Does this sound familiar?

The last time I remember my body being truly my own was as a child. It did everything I wanted it to do, when I wanted to do it. The sheer bliss of being able to run, climb and skip when I wanted to! All I had to do was feed it and keep it clean.

By the time I was about 15 it seemed to me that my body was becoming something out of my control. It was an item for other girls to comment on, and boys to whistle at. In many ways it was a liability and, like many teenagers, I lived with embarrassment for years.

Then I got married and started to share my body with someone else, but at least I got to share his too! Inevitably I became pregnant. My body belonged completely to the little alien invaders who arrived out of nowhere and took control. It was sick in the morning, ravenous during the day and uncomfortable most of the time. It moved of its own accord – nope, nothing to do with me.

Since then who has time to think about what their body wants? We are too busy trying to keep up with the demands of other bodies who are now growing and developing right under our noses.

Is it any wonder we lose ourselves in domestic life? Is it any wonder that we come last in priority for everything? We can see how it has happened and we know that it is not healthy for us, but starting to find our bodies again is really difficult.

It is time to regain our bodies.

I would like to suggest that we all do something completely new – something we have never done before. Do something physical rather than mental. Perhaps try belly dancing or tai chi? Buy yourself a bike? Start a regular walking group with some friends. Have a makeover. If you have never had a real massage, go find one. Have a pamper party. Have a facial at the local salon. If all this is too much, then at least have a manicure and pedicure.

These new activities and treats all involve some part of your body. It will help you bring your attention back to yourself, and to remember what it was like when your body was your own. You will start to feel those parts of your body again rather than just use them for work. I can tell you that after a manicure I really notice and feel my hands. I think about them and what I am doing. I look after them because I now notice and remember them. They aren't just tools anymore. Look after one part of your body and you will gradually look after the rest.

These 'treats' are actually essential to your physical and mental health so don't think that they have to wait until junior gets his new shoes. Give yourself the priority that you need and that you deserve. Bring back the joy that your healthy body used to give you.

Just think what you can do with that body once you get it back.

Courtesy of Bbanne