New Parents are Less Healthy

10740 parental health
10740 parental health

A recent survey of health and wellbeing in parents of children under 11 to assess their wellbeing and life changes revealed that they are gaining weight, reducing their exercise and suffering from stress. These factors combined are puttingour Kiwi parents at risk of developing high cholesterol and heart disease.

63% of parents admitted to not considering their health as often now that they have children. Of the parents surveyed, four out of ten (40%) of New Zealanders admitted to never having their cholesterol checked or were unsure if they had ever had their cholesterol checked – despite more than a quarter (28%) acknowledging they have a family history of the condition.

Nearly six out of ten (58%) say the amount of time they have for exercise has decreased since becoming parents, more than half (54%) say their weight has increased and three quarters (75%) say their stress levels have increased.

Three in ten (29%) of Kiwis surveyed say they have had high blood pressure, while almost a quarter (24%) of respondents say they are not getting enough fibre in their diet.

When it comes to health risk factors, the survey revealed that almost half (45%) of those that report multiple risk factors of high cholesterol have never had their cholesterol level checked.

The news is not all bad however as it appears parents of young children are making an effort when it comes to eating and drinking. Most parents (79%) say the meals they eat are at least as healthy if not more healthy than in their pre-children days and more than half (54%) have reduced their alcohol consumption since having children. A further quarter (26%) have quit smoking since having children.

It is understandable that parents have less time to focus on themselves when they are caring for young children, however maintaining good health as a parent is vital. Keeping your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol within healthy levels are vital. Stress takes a toll on the physical and mental health, so it is important to find strategies that work to keep stress under control.

Some easy tips to help achieve these goals are;

Exercise regularly – you may not be able to get to the gym every day, but you can combine family time with exercise – play a family game of touch, play tennis, walk or bike ride together – every bit counts!

Eat sensibly – get plenty of coloured fruit and vegetables into your diet, choose lean protein and drink water. Limit excessively salty, sugary or fatty foods.

Get plenty of sleep – if you all need to take a family nap at the weekend to catch up on sleep, do so. Have regular bedtimes for everyone and stick to them.

Give up smoking and reduce alcohol intake.

Have an annual medical checkup – it is an investment in your health. If you have any worries about your health, call your GP right away.