Lynda Andrews – Laughter and your Inner Spirit of Joy

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9166 Lion laughter1

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In Laughter Yoga we have four elements of Joy that we practise regularly. They are: Laughing, Playing, Singing and Dancing. Every time we come together we practise playful simulated laughter exercises. That takes care of two elements straight away!  Singing is a great way to grow your Joy! Songs can be sang in a a variety of ways. They can be sang “normally”, in rounds, in the sounds of Ho ho ha ha he he, or in gibberish…. Anyway is good, there is no right or wrong way, and it doesn’t matter if you think you are tone deaf. It is interesting that once people come regularly to laugh and sing together, they start losing their inhibitions.

They warm up their vocal chords and really start connecting with one another. Then, they also find they have a singing voice, and that they are not as tone deaf as they thought they were!! As for dancing we are moving lots as we playfully laugh together and very often we will also throw in a few formal dances, just for fun!

What happens if you let your Inner Spirit of Joy to grow?  You develop a positive mental attitude and will be able to face life’s challenges more easily. You become aware of your Spiritual nature, your true self which in turn develops attitudes of forgiveness, appreciation, generosity, compassion, loving kindness and helpfulness as you actively become more happy in yourself.  You will find you smile more frequently and laugh more readily, which has a knock on effect to those you are in contact with. Forgiveness and appreciation are powerful tools to connect with people and raise their spirits, thus increasing their happiness and also our own. Laughing and growing your Inner Spirit of Joy is life changing!

Are you emotionally resilient? And, what is it? It is your ability to adapt in stressful situations. Resilient people are able to “bounce back” easily and carry on in a positive mind set. If you can easily deal with minor stresses, your ability to deal with major ones is increased. By practising Laughter Yoga you are training your body and mind to release tension and relax. You are able to connect with others at heart level and you are developing your ability to be flexible and adapt.  How does this happen? By triggering your “Joy Cocktail” and, by fully oxygenating your body, you become fully awake and alert, whilst remaining calm and connected. This ensures you are ready to deal with anything that comes your way!

Other abilities you will develop that assist you in building your emotional resilience are:

  • You will become more emotionally aware and be allowed to express and release your emotions through laughter and gibberish
  • Laughter Yoga is a great way of practising actions that will give you success habits in your daily life, and so you will develop perseverance and consistency in training your body to be in balance at all times. By doing this you are also developing self-care, trust and optimism.
  • As Laughter Yoga connects people at heart level you will find you have much more support and love around you than ever before. From now on, you can ask for help, and there will be willing people in the laughter community who will be there for you!

I dare you…. Put on some of your favourite music, and boogie in the front room. Sing in the shower, become a Joysticker and join our fabulous Joysticks Laughter & Singing Club starting 22 August 2012. Let your inner child out and play today! Go to the play park and have fun!

To find out where you can laugh with others on purpose for more health and happiness.

Contact Lynda Andrews

Phone: 04 299 3066         