Detox Programmes

10087 Detox
10087 Detox

 Detox Programmes
Detox programmes are all the rage – they are promoted by celebrities, infomercials and they are a popular start point for those who want to feel fitter or healthier.

What is a Detox?

The word detox is a contraction of detoxification – used in this case to rid the body of toxins (poisons). After the festive season, before a holiday or as a result of weight gain are reasons people traditionally feel the need to detoxify themselves.

Will a Detox Work?

Detox programmes are generally short duration (1-5 days) dietary adjustments, designed to get you into healthy habit, control portion sizes and increase nutrients. They are a diet of sorts, but because they are so short in duration, they are not particularly effective for weight loss.

Some detox programmes are based on good research and nutrition, but many are not. Be very wary of celebrity endorsements. One extremely popular (well marketed) detox programme was found to be fabricating its endorsements, both in New Zealand and overseas.

Do You Need to Detox?

If you are feeling particularly sluggish or have been on a long course of medication, there may be some benefits in increasing your nutrition. Ask your doctor before starting any programme that restricts calories and contains vitamin supplements.

How Will You Feel?

During a detox, you may experience many symptoms ranging from hunger, headaches and fatigue, through to increased energy and focus.

Generally, to improve your personal well-being, there are a number of things you can do for yourself to feel better, without spending large amounts of money on pre-packaged programmes and supplements.

Your body is deigned to heal itself and operates a natural detox every day. Support your body with good nutrition and a radical detox shouldn't be necessary.


Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading inspirations for detoxing. In moderation, alcohol is fine as part of a balanced diet in a healthy adult. However, aim to have several alcohol-free days per week.

Caffeine is another substance that is fine in moderation in healthy adults. Remember that it isn't only coffee that contains caffeine; aim to keep your caffeinated drinks to a couple per day. Switch to herbal tea occasionally, or hot water.

Keep your body well hydrated with plenty of water – this supports your body's natural detoxification process.


Natural food detoxes have more merit that their pill-reliant cousins. However, by adding plenty of salads, vegetables, lean protein and fruit to your diet, you will do yourself as much good.

Ideas to increase nutritional value of your meals:

  • Have a smaller serving of cereal for breakfast, then add a few nuts and frozen berries.
  • Ensure every meal or snack has something living in it (fruit/vegetable/nuts).
  • Invest in a juicer and add a fresh fruit/vegetable juice to your daily diet.
  • Have treats occasionally, but cut down the refined sugars and fats.

Move It

Exercise will stimulate your body to eliminate waste, strengthen your immune system and elevate your mood. Try a brisk 20 minute walk most days of the week.

Be Realistic

A detox can support a healthy lifestyle, but a few focused days a year will not make the difference to your health and weight management if you don't take good care of yourself most of the time. Always seek medical advice before starting a detox.