Happiness, of course, means many things to many people. A positive attitude is the start point, along with a sense of gratitude. If you’ve been feeling a little blue recently, maybe its time to throw open the shades in your mind and let the sunshine in.
We all have dreams of ‘one day’. These dreams may take time to achieve, or the input of others. How about making today the day you seek out satisfaction and contentment, if only for a few minutes? Try these tips and see if your smile isn’t just a bit wider by the end of the day…
– Call someone you love and tell them so. There is nothing like a bit of spontaneous affection to spread happiness.
– Smile broadly at a stranger. Smiles are infectious!
– Take a moment to be thankful. You may have just enjoyed a great meal, or conversation, or have achieved a goal. Or you may just have everything you need, this moment. Appreciate that!
– The absolutely infectious song ‘Happy’ by US artist Pharrell Williams has inspired thousands of tributes on YouTube and has ignited a wave of smiles around the world. Check it out. Even if it isn’t your style of music, the video is hard not to enjoy.
– Do something for someone else. Random acts of kindness benefit the giver and the receiver alike. Take a cup of tea to your neighbour, volunteer, listen to someone without giving advice, share a tip or do a chore.
– Spend time with children – their readiness to laugh and see wonder around them is uplifting. See life through their eyes – it is amazing the things you will learn.
– Start a jar of thanks – use and empty glass jar and write a quick note every time you feel happy or thankful (‘today I found a carpark just were I needed it!’). Put the notes in the jar and encourage family of visitors to do the same. Every now and again, you can empty the jar and relive the good things that happen to you for a second time.
– Go outside. Fresh air and sunshine, along with a little exercise will lift your spirits.
Every day is precious. Find a moment of happiness in every one!
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