The poisonous Milkweed is the primary food source for the Monarch Butterfly pupa, or caterpillar (which ...
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Care For Your New Dog
If you're a first-time dog owner, all the requirements of their care can seem overwhelming. Just like first-time parents, you need to learn all the basics that go into bringing a new animal into your home.
A Wine For All Seasons
Winter is here and every conversation, no matter how short, seems to include a reference to ...
Cooking with Flowers
Which Ones are Edible and Which Ones Will Kill You
Wedding Anniversaries
Planning a Wedding? This section is brought to you by, New Zealand's premier online wedding ...
Document and celebrate events in your life
Legacy Productions documents and celebrates the important people and events in your life. Broadcast quality programmes ...
Baby Boomers As Grandparents
As the offspring of Baby Boomers marry and start their own families, the responsibilities of the Sandwich Generation grow. You're already in the middle of your family in flux - between growing children and aging parents. Now the sandwich adds another laye
Making Poker A Family Game
It used to be that every family had a family card game night. Families looked forward to sitting down at the end of the week for a good card game.
Mistakes That Grandparents Should Avoid
There are many mistakes that grandparents make with their grandchildren, and all this is meant in ...
Caughey Preston Trust
Caughey Preston was opened in 1953 and over the last 56 years it has forged a ...