This week we have more frugal tips and answers to questions from the oily rag community!
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
New Picture Books for Your Grandchildren
Pre-schoolers love Picture Books about creatures, both real and imagined. But some make better bedtime stories than others.
Mistakes Women Make
He used to show his love for you in all the wonderful ways. He used to bring you flowers and do crazy things for you.
A Hard Realisation
Chris* is deeply interested in personal growth and developing a wonderful marriage.
From Dog Fleas To Frozen Meals
Last week Thrifty from Hamilton asked about storing part sachets of yoghurt starter.
What Is Happening To Us?
Are we becoming a nation of pathetic little soggy-bottomed, sad-sack jellies who are all incapable of taking a bump or a scratch or playing in the mud?
Fruit, Fried Silver Beet, Power and More
This week the frugal living tips include a tasty sounding recipe for silver beet - which is in abundance at present, ways to make the most of in-season fruit, and there are a couple of questions from oily rag readers.
Celebrating 60
Turning 60 is a big deal for me and I really wanted to celebrate it in style.
SeniorNet: Worth Joining?
Recently I was the grateful recipient of a Samsung Tablet and Apple Smartphone from a granddaughter and brother who have upgraded to later models. Both gave me a quick 'how to' demo but I soon discovered there was much more to learn.
Traumatic Brain Injury and Memory
Today was the day! I was invited to address a group at Headway: the Brain Injury Association here in Auckland.