Temperatures are on the way down and our daylight hours are about to get one hour shorter.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Reflections on The Seasons
Summer is almost gone and Easter is around the corner. Already the leaves are starting to change their colour and fall.
Auckland’s Sustainable Whanau Challenge
I've almost completed the second week of "The Sustainable Whanau Challenge." So far so good with only the occasional slip up.
Challenging Kids
Some kids just knock the stuffing out of their parents.
Cleaning Up
We have had a big response to a question raised by JimO from Torbay who asked for help cleaning shower glass.
Monica Louis
Life begins at 50+; it may be just an expression but it's absolutely true for me.
Kitchen Aromas
"Try this," Mark said, pushing a small bottle of feijoa-flavoured aerated drink across the café table to our Aussie mate.
Real Anxiety
Anxiety is not just a fluttery feeling in your stomach. Real anxiety can lead to panic attacks, which are very real, even if the reason for them is unexplained or seemingly innocuous.
What changes are being made to child support from 1st April 2015
Both parents' incomes, estimates of the cost of raising children and more of the care parents and caregivers provide will be used for calculating child support from 1 April 2015.
Forgive Your Parents Day
I don't know who declared March 18 to be "Forgive Your Parents Day".