This year, on the 5th of June, New Zealand will be officially celebrating a ‘King’s Birthday Weekend’ for the first time in over seven decades.
Our People, Our Country
A Story to Touch Your Heart and Soul
It is a simple story. In 1915, Violet, aged eight, knits a scarf, parcels it up, and sent it via train and ship
ANZAC Day – Women at War
Anzac Day is one of our most significant national days of remembrance. While no women fought at Gallipoli, they did play a significant role.
Number 8 Wire
Imagine writing a book that draws its inspiration from a heavily rusted piece of Number 8 fencing wire.
Neighbours Need Each Other – get to know yours!
Neighbours don’t need to be best buddies, but they do need to get along
Caring and Sharing – wise ways to help out after Cyclone Gabrielle
Cyclone Gabrielle, and the severe weather events that preceded it, are a major blow to thousands of affected Kiwis.
Waitangi Day – it’s a Family Affair
On this February 6 public holiday, events will be taking place to mark the occasion of the signing of the Waitangi Treaty
Pavlova and Other Quirks of Kiwi Christmas History
There’s a reason why pavlova is such a Kiwi festive favourite and whats more it's been gracing New Zealand dinner tables since the 1930s.
Life Without Regrets?
The book Travelling Light, Stories from the world we explored in the 70s, began as a blog.
How to Beat the Crowds this Summer
If you’ve ever arrived at a popular beach mid-afternoon, and been unable to find a free spot of sand to spread out your towel (let alone a free car park), you’ll know what vacation-envy feels like.