Whether you’re someone who likes to care for others, or simply enjoy the feeling of your home being ‘lived in’, read our options for living with others.
Home & Home Improvement
Home Safety for the Home-Alone
Living alone, especially for the first time, can feel overwhelming. The responsibilities previously shared, are now on the shoulders of one – and that’s you.
Autumn Checklists – complete yours, and feel confident!
Cooler temperatures and reducing daylight hours are here, and are a natural reminder to get ourselves and our homes ready for winter.
Neighbours Need Each Other – get to know yours!
Neighbours don’t need to be best buddies, but they do need to get along
Tricks to Managing Home Maintenance
Living alone for the first time as a grown-up can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to home maintenance. However, once you establish a seasonal routine, everything seems more manageable.
Don’t Let the Unavoidable Keep You Cluttered
There are often good reasons why some households are burdened with more possessions than others. We take a look at those reasons and check out how to manage the bulk.
How to Survive Life With a Clutterer
It’s one thing to have de-cluttered your home, and another to live with someone who seems intent on moving clutter back in.
Stop! – You May Not Need to Re-Wallpaper
Interior decorating isn’t getting any cheaper – so what do you do when your wallpaper is crying out to be retired?
Digging In – Excavating and Drainage
It can take a bit of digging to get the water where you want it on your property. An expert drainage operator shares some techniques on what it takes to make surface water go away.
Eight Steps To Paint Your Interior Walls
There are few projects you can do to your home that offer so much improvement, at such a small cost, as painting.